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The Knight

25 Male, Knight in Training
MDIS mass communications
Single but not avail,Coz my heart got stolen
Likes to eat, sleep, dream,sing, movies and sports


Honour for all

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Control Precision Mind Mortality

The Black Knight


Safeguard & Defend the helpless

Friends of Round


:: Thursday, January 15, 2009



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:: Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Phase- Last Words

I think I'm gonna pull down this blog. Change a skin. Either it looks too damn emo......or remove this long ongoing naive Knighthood crap. It longer exists anymore. No one appreciates this anymore.

I guess wednesday is a milestone. Gotta end this man. I think heavens been kind enough.

I get warning signs everywhere even anonymously from HP sms svcs. Wtf !


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Phase - Insomnia

There are several kinds of Insomnia, caused by 2 types. Failing to sleep despite the opportunity or persistent difficulty in trying to sleep. I believed I'm having the 2nd type. Its more like a transient insomnia. The type where you are disturbed or preoccupied by something that's most likely a temporal one.

That happens to a man when he is troubled by Love or Money. I say abit of both. Despite watching a solid 3hr movie. I woke up just to blog with a nice warm cup of green tea. Honestly I thought of several ways to make myself sleep better. But seems like its no longer working.

1) Workout myself till I drop...... It seems after a shower at home I still last like a bull

2) Watch tv to tire myself...... ( which explains why I 'm blogging )

3) Maybe tmr, I'm just gonna do studying and working out. WHOLEDAY

Lately there are also times where I start wondering, have I been even trying to appreciate what my parents have done so far. Today my father just came back from france for good and seemingly worsen the effect. He was tasked to accompany this colleague of his together because he LOOK like hes in a dying condition from Hepatitis-B. Man, he looked he was gonna drop any moment. We were at loss for words when we saw him. Suddenly I felt thankful when I recalled my father almost had a difficult moment several years before he left for france. I think my fathers having some jet lag atm hah.


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